Thursday, December 23, 2010

Top 5 Movies of 2010

With 2011 coming quickly we decided to tell you what movies you need to see from 2010.

5. Toy Story 3

If you hate on this movie then fuck you. While Pixar makes the best animated movies each year, this is our generation's most recognized animated series. The main character Andy and his relationship with his toys portrayed how tough maturing can be for everyone.

4. The Social Network
It was unknown what we would get from a movie starring the guy in Zombieland, the new spider-man, and everybody's favorite white boy Justin Timberlake.  The Social Network gives us the story behind the most popular website in the United States.  In a redux of Revenge of the Nerds we see what can happen when exclusivity goes to far.  This movie shows that Wu-Tang was right...Cash Rules.

3. Shutter Island
Any movie that involves DiCaprio and Scorsese will be great.  This movie is based on the book by Dennis Lehane.  Lehane is also the author of Gone Baby Gone.  Scorsese also made this an homage to Alfred Hitchcock.  All of this and the fact that this mindfuck of a movie will keep your head spinning to the end makes it a must see.

2. The Town

Ben Affleck is relevant again.

1. Inception
Christopher Nolan has solidified his role as a boss of the movie industry. A thriller about dreaming could put someone to sleep, but Nolan is on-point in this dream within a dream. This is a great premise for a movie with a solid cast. Does the top fall over?? BWAHHHHHHHH


We have not seen True Grit and The Fighter

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